Teens who are approaching the age where they are allowed to legally drive a vehicle usually get very excited. Their parents get terrified and naturally so. One of the greatest killers of young people is a fatal car accident, especially one that involves distracted driving (talking or texting on the phone while driving), and the use of drugs or alcohol.
The highest crash rates for drivers of any age are those caused by 16-year-olds. About one-third of all deaths of 13 to 19-year-olds come from auto accidents.
Most teens can be taught to drive responsibly. Many do take care when first learning how to drive. Unfortunately, many others do not and the rate for auto insurance premiums, to cover teenage drivers, reflects this greater risk.
For parents considering allowing their teen to drive, it is important to consult with your insurance agent at Cross Creek Insurance serving Hope Hills, NC and the surrounding area. Your agent can help you understand the impact on your auto insurance premiums from adding a teen driver to the policy.
Be sure to consult with your agent before you allow your teenager to drive the car. If the family has more than one vehicle, it may be a good idea to restrict the teen driver to the vehicle that is less valuable.
It is very helpful for teens to take a defensive driving course. Parents can encourage a teen to do this by attending a course themselves. We all get rusty in our driving skills and taking a refresher course in defensive driving is good for everyone. Most teens would not be comfortable taking a course along with their parents; however, taking the same course at different times gives parents and teens something of shared relevance that they can talk about together. Otherwise, a parent may find a new teen driver finding fault (and correctly doing so) with the bad habits of the parent driver.
To get an updated insurance quote, reach out to your insurance agent at Cross Creek Insurance in Hope Hills, NC if you are considering allowing your teen to drive. Having the teen as a listed driver on the vehicle’s insurance policy is critical before you allow them to drive the family car.