What is the “Two Second Rule” and Why Will it Keep You Safe?

Car owners in North Carolina are required to have auto insurance to drive legally. If you live near Hope Hills, NC, and need auto insurance, you can find the policy you need at Cross Creek Insurance. We have been serving clients in this area since 1997.

Safe driving guidelines should always be on your mind. Being able to stop safely is an essential element of safe driving, and a safe following distance can help you be sure you can stop when you need to. In the past, a safe driving distance was considered one car length per ten miles per hour. However, this rule has proved challenging, as car lengths vary.

The “Two Second Rule”

According to the Southeastern Driver Training Center, a North Carolina DMV requires a two-second following distance. To measure that distance, it is suggested you pick out a stationary object, like a traffic sign, and watch as the car ahead of you passes that object. As soon as they pass that object, you should begin counting, “one thousand one, one thousand two, etc.” When you reach your selected object, the number you have counted will be the number of seconds of your distance.

Other than North Carolina, many states now recommend at least three seconds’ distance. Some driving conditions, such as heavy snow, driving rain, or fog, will require additional distance for safety.

Call Us for an Appointment Today

If you drive safely, you should also ensure your auto insurance policy is the right one for you. Auto drivers in the Hope Hills area are encouraged to talk to one of our experienced agents at Cross Creek Insurance. Call us for an appointment today, and we will ensure you have the auto insurance you need.