When you have to get car insurance, you may be confused by all of the different types of coverage. You may only want to get the state minimum amount of insurance, though it may be a better idea to get more than that.
Here are some of the types of car insurance that you may want to look into.
Liability insurance is basic car insurance. This covers any damage that you have caused to others. It pays for their medical bills, along with any property damage.
Collision insurance covers the damage to your car if you are in an accident. It will pay the money to fix your car. If it is totaled, it will pay you the estimated value of the car so that you can get a new one.
Uninsured or under insured insurance is good to have, in case you ever get in an accident with someone who doesn’t have enough insurance. It will take over once their insurance stops. If they don’t have any, it will pay all of the expenses.
Comprehensive insurance pays for any damage that occurs to your car when it is parked. This may include things that happen due to the weather, such as flooding, storms, hail, and even fire. It will also cover theft and vandalism.
Personal Injury Protection (PIP for short) covers your own medical expenses if you are injured in an accident. It may even help with lost wages if you are unable to work.
If you want to make sure that you have the best policy for you and your family, don’t hesitate to contact us today at Cross Creek Insurance in Hope Hills, NC.