How to extend the life of your car tires and ensure optimal performance during the summer months?

Extending the life of your tires when summer hits requires proactive precautions and maintenance. The specialists at Cross Creek Insurance in Hope Hills, NC provide these helpful suggestions to help maximize your tire’s lifespan during the summer months –

Check/Maintain Proper Tire Pressure

Tire pressure should be checked and adjusted routinely all year. However, when the heat arrives, the tire’s air expands and overinflates the tire. It is best to refer to the owner’s manual (or the label inside the driver’s door) for the best or recommended tire pressure.

Regularly Rotate Tires/Maintain Wheel Alignment/Balance

Rotate the car’s tires following the manufacturer’s recommendations or every 5K to 8K miles. Routinely rotating the tires ensures they wear evenly–extending their useful life.

Don’t Overload the Vehicle

Be aware of your vehicle’s weight limit and avoid excessive weight, as this adds stress to the tires, increases the heat, and accelerates the tire’s wear. Hot weather further aggravates this situation.

Check Tire’s Tread

For the tire to maintain control and traction, the tread depth must be enough to match the desired performance. The minimum legal tread depth varies by jurisdiction.

Avoid Excessive/Aggressive Speed & Driving

Fast and aggressive driving generates additional friction and heat, increasing the wear on the tires.

Park in the Shade

When available, park the car in the shade or use a car cover, as extended sunlight exposure can degrade the compounds used to manufacture tires.  

Regularly Inspect for Damage

Check the tires for bulges, cuts, or other damage. Driving on damaged tires can be needlessly risky.

For additional information about automobile insurance and policies available for those who live or work in the greater Hope Hills, NC area, contact Cross Creek Insurance at 910-423-2900.

When Do You Need to Get Life Insurance

It’s not uncommon for Hope Hills, NC residents to think of life insurance as only beneficial to those in specific demographics. Or, most often, something that can be pushed to the back burner and dealt with later. However, the truth is that many families and individuals from various backgrounds and financial situations can significantly benefit from having a life insurance policy in place but don’t realize it. Today, we’ll examine who needs life insurance and when you should get it.

Who Can Benefit From Life Insurance

The decision and reasoning behind purchasing a life insurance policy can be deeply personal. But at the end of the day, a life insurance policy can make all the difference to those you leave behind, relieving the stress and anxiety that often follows the passing of a significant provider. With a life insurance policy, anyone with a mortgage, rent, car payment, debt, or other expenses can rest easy knowing that their loved ones won’t have to worry about paying all those bills on their own. Even if you don’t currently contribute a regular income to your household, you likely do things that can be difficult to keep up with upon your passing without some financial support.

Find the Right Life Insurance Policy For You Today

Like with other insurance policies, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to life insurance. With a range of policy types and values from a vast pool of providers, it’s essential to work with an experienced Hope Hills, NC agent to ensure you buy the right plan. At Cross Creek Insurance, our team will go the extra mile to help you find the coverage that’s right for you. Contact us today to learn more!

Product-Related Issues and Commercial Insurance: What Business Owners Should Know

If you’re a Hope Hills, NC business owner, the right commercial insurance policy is an absolute must to protect yourself from potential liability. But if your company sells products, your policy really isn’t comprehensive enough until it includes product liability coverage.

We at Cross Creek Insurance will be happy to review your policy with you and ensure it’s thorough enough. But in the meantime, here’s a brief look at some of what business owners should know.

Why Do You Need Product-Specific Protection?

Naturally, you put a lot of care and effort into ensuring your products are right before releasing them to the general public. But mistakes, accidents, and chance mishaps can happen to anyone, so planning is essential.

Commercial insurance that includes product liability coverage protects you if one of your items is ever connected to an accident or other unfortunate incident. It’s essential if your company sells or manufactures products like:

  • Clothing
  • Food
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Motor vehicles
  • Electronic, industrial, or mechanical equipment

What Types of Claims Should Business Owners Watch Out For?

A product-related claim could materialize from anywhere and for a multitude of reasons. Savvy business owners need to be aware of them when considering their commercial insurance options. Examples include the following.

  • Manufacturing errors are usually isolated incidents but can cause injuries, side effects, and more, depending on the product.
  • Design flaws can cause similar problems. However, the issues involved are usually further reaching and may call for solutions like recalls.
  • Deficient operating instructions, disclaimers, and safety warnings can also open a business up to liability, so be as thorough as possible when packaging your products.

Ultimately, there’s no such thing as being too protected if you manufacture and sell products as part of your Hope Hills, NC livelihood. Cross Creek Insurance’s insurance experts can help you understand your options. Call us today and let us know how we can assist you!

Questions to Ask Your Agent Before Purchasing Home Insurance

At Cross Creek Insurance in Hope Hills, NC, we offer home insurance to help protect your investment. We recommend asking these four questions when you are ready to purchase a homeowner’s policy. 

Am I Required to Buy Home Insurance?

North Carolina law doesn’t require you to buy home insurance. However, most mortgage lenders do require it. If you have a mortgage or lean on your home, contact your lender to learn their requirements before purchasing a policy. 

What Perils are Covered by the Policy 

A peril is an event that can cause damage to your home. A standard homeowner’s policy covers many potential disasters, including fire, theft, vandalism, storm damage, smoke damage, and explosions. 

A standard homeowner’s policy does not cover earthquakes and flooding. You may need separate policies to cover these perils. 

What Property and Possessions are Covered

Your policy will cover the structure of your home and your possessions within the home, up to the coverage limit. If you have very valuable items, discuss your coverage limits. You may need a policy rider for expensive items. 

In addition, your policy covers other structures on your policy. This includes sheds, freestanding garages, and fences. 

What is Covered Under Liability

Most homeowners purchase a policy to protect their home’s structure and belongings. However, your homeowner’s policy also covers liability. 

If someone is injured on your property or their property is damaged, your homeowner’s policy will cover the costs of medical expenses or replacing damaged items. 

Home Insurance at Cross Creek Insurance

If you need a homeowner’s policy in Hope Hills, NC, contact us at Cross Creek Insurance. Our agents are ready to discuss your needs and answer any questions you may have. 

Types of Auto Insurance Explained

North Carolina drivers are required to have auto insurance. At Cross Creek Insurance in Hope Hills, NC, we offer auto insurance policies. We keep you legal and help protect your assets. We believe it’s essential to understand your auto insurance options. 

Liability Auto Insurance

Liability auto insurance is required by North Carolina law. If you are at fault in an accident, liability coverage will cover the costs up to the coverage limit. 

Property damage liability covers damage to other drivers’ vehicles. Bodily injury liability covers physical injuries to other drivers and passengers. 

Liability coverage also includes uninsured motorist coverage. If you are not at fault in an accident, but the other driver has no insurance, this portion of the policy will cover damage to your vehicle and medical expenses you have up to the coverage limit. 

Comprehensive and Collision Coverage 

Comprehensive and collision coverage is also known as full coverage insurance. Collision coverage will pay to repair or replace your vehicle if the accident is your fault. 

Comprehensive coverage covers damage to your vehicle when it’s not in operation. This includes storm damage, vandalism, and theft.

This type of coverage isn’t required by law. However, if you have a lien on your vehicle, your lender will probably require you to have this coverage. 

Gap Coverage 

If you own a newer vehicle, you should also consider gap coverage. If you have a lien on your vehicle and it’s totaled, the car’s value may be less than your loan amount. 

Gap coverage will cover the difference, so you aren’t left with a loan balance. 

Auto Insurance at Cross Creek Insurance 

If you need auto insurance in Hope Hills, NC, contact us at Cross Creek Insurance. Our experienced agents will discuss your needs and help you select a great auto policy for your situation. 

Why should you get a workers compensation policy?

When providing financial protection for your employees, a worker’s compensation policy from Cross Creek Insurance is an absolute must. Not only does it protect you as a Hope Hills, NC area employer from costly legal fees and settlements in the event of an employee injury, but it also ensures that you’re providing your workers with the coverage they need should something happen. 

Workers’ compensation policies offer invaluable peace of mind for both employers and employees. For employers, these policies provide a guaranteed way to take care of their workers if they get injured on the job. They also protect them from any potential lawsuits arising from negligence claims or unsafe working conditions. And for employees, these policies ensure that they will be cared for financially should something happen while on the job. 

In addition to all these benefits, workers’ compensation policies can help you save money. By providing comprehensive coverage, you won’t have to worry about paying out hefty settlements in case of a workplace injury or accident; instead, the policy will cover any medical costs associated with treatment. Moreover, since most states require employers to have a worker’s compensation policy before hiring new employees, having one can give you a competitive advantage when recruiting talent. 

A worker’s compensation policy is essential for keeping your business safe and secure. It provides invaluable peace of mind for both employers and employees alike and offers vital financial protection in case anything were to go wrong. For more information, give us at Cross Creek Insurance a call today. We are proud to serve the Hope Hills, NC area.

Who should get life insurance?

Who should get life insurance? The simple answer is everyone should. Life insurance from Cross Creek Insurance is a significant investment that can provide financial security and stability for your family during your death. It can be used to cover unexpected expenses, pay off debt, or provide a source of income for your loved ones after you’re gone. While life insurance may seem unnecessary, it is a wise choice, especially if you have dependents in the Hope Hills, NC area who rely on your income to live. 

Life insurance policies vary greatly, and it can be challenging to determine which one fits your needs best. However, some basic guidelines can help you make the right decision. First and foremost, consider how much coverage you need and select a policy that meets those needs. You should also research to find out what kinds of riders or additional benefits certain policies provide so that you have all the protection you need in the event of your death or disability. 

Finally, remember to shop around for the best prices, compare quotes from different companies, and factor in any discounts or special offers available when selecting a policy. Ultimately, life insurance is an important investment that provides peace of mind and financial protection for you and your loved ones. Take time to research different options before committing to one so that you can find the policy that fits both your budget and lifestyle perfectly.

For more information, or to explore a life insurance policy that works for you and your family, give us a call at Cross Creek Insurance today. We are proud to serve the Hope Hills, NC area.

Does My Home Insurance Policy Cover My She Shed?

If you’re a Hope Hills, NC homeowner with a she shed, you may wonder if your home insurance policy covers it. After all, it extends your home, so you probably want it covered in case of any damage. The good news is that most home insurance policies will cover she sheds. However, there are a few things you need to keep in mind.

What is a She Shed?

A she shed is basically a backyard shed that has been turned into a space for relaxation and creativity. They are becoming increasingly popular, especially among women who want a place to escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. She sheds can be decorated however you want and can be used for anything from reading and writing to crafting and gardening. 

Do I Need Insurance for My She Shed?

A She shed is usually a separate dwelling on your property. While it may not require its own insurance policy, notify your provider of the structure’s existence so they can ensure it’s covered in your existing homeowner’s policy. Also, look into what kind of protection against theft or vandalism exists for a she shed. For questions about your policy in Hope Hills, NC, contact your Cross Creek Insurance agent.

What Does Home Insurance Cover?

Home insurance policies typically cover damage from events like fires, storms, theft, and vandalism. Your home insurance would most likely cover the repairs if one of these events damaged your she shed. However, there are some exceptions. For example, if something specifically excluded in your policy caused damage, like termites or wear and tear, most policies won’t cover it.

In short, most home insurance policies will cover she sheds. If you have questions about your policy or what it covers, contact Cross Creek Insurance. We’re always happy to help!

Adding Your Teenager to Your Auto Insurance Policy in Hope Hills, NC

It can be stressful for parents when their teenager is ready to drive. You want your teen to stay safe and make intelligent decisions, but you also need to factor in the cost of auto insurance. When should you add your teenager to your auto insurance policy? Do they need a learner’s permit or driver’s license first? Cross Creek Insurance is here to help.

When Should I Add My Teenager To My Auto Insurance Policy? 

Adding a teenager to an auto insurance policy can be tricky. In North Carolina, you are not required to add teen drivers until they have their driver’s licenses. However, it is usually recommended that you add them as soon as they have their learner’s permit to cover them if they get into an accident while practicing driving with supervision. Watching your teenager drive is stressful enough without worrying about how you’ll pay for anything that goes wrong.

What Are The Benefits Of Adding A Teenager To An Auto Insurance Policy Early? 

The main benefit of adding a teenager early is that it ensures that all drivers in the household are adequately insured and protected if an accident occurs. If you wait until after your teen has obtained their driver’s license and then add them, any accidents between the time of getting the license and being added will not be covered by your insurance policy—which could be very costly for you as the parent if an accident were to occur. For more information on adding teens to your Hope Hills, NC auto policy, contact Cross Creek Insurance today!

Commercial Insurance Protects From Liability

One significant risk for a business owner is a liability. To protect yourself and your business, you need reliable commercial insurance. The insurance experts at Cross Creek Insurance, proudly serving the residents of Hope Hills, NC, can count on us to help them get the right coverage to offer the proper protection. 

Commercial Insurance Protection 

If you own a business, you need insurance. Commercial insurance protects the covered business and owner from claims related to injury, damage to property, or losses associated with the fault of the owner or company and its employees. 

Selecting the right level of coverage is very important. To understand a business’s current and future needs, our agents take many points into consideration and work closely with the client to learn their needs and provide them with suggestions for coverage that meets those needs. 

When clients come to our office, we provide insight into the commercial insurance coverage and each policy’s terms and conditions. Then we offer options to them based on the client’s information. Once a policy is chosen, we submit the necessary documentation and communicate with the insurance underwriter on behalf of the client to complete the purchase. We can also work with clients to complete policy changes or submit documents related to claims. 

Reach Out Today

Anyone with a business in the Hope Hills, NC, area can count on Cross Creek Insurance to provide them with the insurance and customer service they need to get ideal protection from liability. Our agents are ready to provide insight and support to ensure you have peace of mind. Stop in or call today to learn more.