Can I get Pest Infestation covered on my Home Insurance Policy in Hope Mills, NC?

There are a lot of things that can cause damage to your home. It can sustain damage from fire, a thunderstorm, hail, wind, and even vandalism. While these external threats are important to be mindful of, one of the most damanging threats in the Hope Mills area can come from inside your home, via a pest infestation. Here are some things that you will want to know:

  • Pest infestation is another thing that is not usually covered on home insurance. Termites and other pest that can invade and damage your home will have to be paid for out of your own pocket.
  • If you find that termites have eaten through the supports of your home and the floor caves in you might find that your policy will cover the floor damage but not the termite damage.
  • If for some reason your home is damaged by a covered peril and some pests move and cause damage, you will then find that the damage from the covered peril is paid for but any damage caused by the pests will not be covered.

As an independent agent in Hope Mills, NC, we can help answer any questions that you may have regarding what is covered on your policy. If you have any questions, then you will want to contact us right away. We can give you the information that you need in order to make the best decisions regarding your home insurance needs.

What kind of tax benefits can one get in Fayetteville, NC, by purchasing a life insurance policy?

There are several types of tax benefits when you purchase life insurance in Fayetteville, NC. You can purchase term life using pre-tax money that is not taxed until you withdraw the funds and permanent life insurance provides tax free benefits for the beneficiary. Speaking with an independent agent at Cross Creek will help you find the answers you need about taxes and life insurance.

One of the best tax benefits with life insurance is using pre-tax money to pay the premiums on term life insurance. Your employer may offer this through company benefits and you may be able to transfer the premium if you leave your job. Using this method, you do not have to pay taxes on the amount held in the plan until you receive the benefits.

Other types of tax benefits can be found with permanent or universal life insurance coverage in Fayetteville, NC. While you will pay taxes in the beginning, the beneficiary of the policy will not have to pay taxes when he or she receives the benefits. It is best to speak with an independent agent about all of the available options.

If you are thinking about purchasing a life insurance policy in Fayetteville, you need to speak with us so we can explain all of the benefits. Many policies are very affordable and can provided protection for your family and give you peace of mind. You will need help to determine the amount of life insurance you need. Call your independent agent at Cross Creek today.

What are the Important Factors to be Looked Upon in Hope Mills, NC, Before Buying a Home Insurance Policy?

Buying home insurance in Hope Mills, NC can seem complicated when it is your first home or you are new to the area. You may worry about what is important, what is extra and what can help you reach your financial goals. Although your specific concerns may vary, certain factors are an important part of any home policy.

Liability Coverage

A key consideration for any homeowner is liability. If a guest is injured due to a fall, an accident or even your pet, then you need protection to help pay for his or her medical bills.

Depending on the risks in your home, the amount of liability protection that you need may vary. For example, a home with a pool will need more protection than a home without a swimming pool. Evaluate the risks and obtain liability protection based on the potential for accidents to occur.

Repair Protection

Protection to repair your home is also important. You want enough coverage to pay for any potential damages, even if you are required to rebuild the entire house due to a fire or similar situation.

Flood Coverage

Flood coverage is not always included in your basic home insurance policy, so you may need to purchase additional protection against flooding. The amount of flood coverage that you need will depend on your location and the risk of facing a flood.

Insurance for your home is an important part of protecting your assets and your finances. It is expensive to repair a house, replace personal belongings and pay for medical bills after an accident. By obtaining insurance that pays for those situations, it is possible to protect your house and personal assets. To learn about your insurance options, contact us to talk to an independent agent.

Should I add my teenager to my auto policy in Hope Mills, NC as soon as they get their learner’s permit?

Having a drivers license is a great adventure and a desire of every teenager around. When they first turn that magical age of 16 and start taking driver’s education classes, they begin to realize the responsibility that comes with a license. If you have a teen that is getting their learners permit, then you may be wondering if they need to be on the policy in Hope Mills, NC.

If your teenage driver has just got their permit and they do not have their driver’s license yet then they do not need to be on the policy. That said, anyone with a driver’s license that lives in your home and does not have insurance will have to be on your policy until they get their own insurance.

At Cross Creek we are able to help you answer these and other questions related to your auto policy and want to make sure you have all the coverage you need. Contact us today to learn more.

In Hope Mills, NC, do waterproof roofs yield discounts on home insurance policy?

Making sure your Hope Mills, NC home has waterproof roofs can help with the cost of your home insurance policy premium. Most homes in North Carolina use basic asphalt shingles on the roof. If you add a protective waterproof coating to the roof, you may be eligible for a discount on your homeowners insurance. Many of the newer homes already come with this type of construction and making sure your insurance company takes this into consideration could save you some money. If you have recently purchased a new construction home, take a look at your home warranty for this type of information.

At Cross Creek we can help you determine if you are eligible for a discounts on your premium. You easily compare quotes and rates on your website so that when puchasing a policy you find the best deal for your situation. Also, Hope Mills, NC could be affected by severe weather. Most insurance companies will offer a reduction in rates for homes that are built taking severe weather into consideration. Waterproof roofs are important to protect personal belongings inside the home and an independent agent at Cross Creek can make sure you have enough coverage.

A homeowners insurance discount can help make a policy more affordable. You want to make sure you have all of your precious possessions protected in the event of a disaster. Other discounts could be found if you pay your bill online or if you have multiple policies with the same company. At Cross Creek we are ready to help answer all of your questions right now, so contact us today.

Am I covered when the temperature drops to 10 below zero causing the water pipes to freeze and burst in North Carolina?

If you own your home and have a lot of money tied up in it with renovations, then you will want to keep it protected with an insurance policy. Home insurance in Hope Mills, NC is available for homeowners if they want to protect their home from damage. To help you protect your home the best way possible you will want to know what your policy covers and what it does not.

What Your Home Insurance Policy will Cover and What it Will Not

  • If you live in an area of the country where the temperature falls below zero, you will need to keep your heater running during the cold months. If you pipes freeze and burst there is usually not any coverage for this kind of peril. If your heater gives out, then you may want to keep your water pipes covered to preserve the heat and keep them from freezing.
  • Your home policy will cover the structure should there ever be a fire. It will pay for cleanup, repair and damages related to smoke damage.
  • A home policy will also cover against theft of your personal belongings. Make sure that your policy has replacement cost on it to avoid having things depreciated.
  • The policy will not cover damages that are related to flooding. A flood must be covered by a flood policy which can be bought as a separate policy.

If you have any questions about your home insurance policy, then you will want to contact your independent agent today. As your local independent agent we can answer your insurance questions. We can also help you determine if your policy is good enough to cover for the most basic of perils.