Am I required to report an accident to my insurance company when settling out of pocket?

Let’s say you have a minor fender-bender that results in a few scratches or, if you’re lucky, no damage at all. You and the other party may agree to pay for the damages out of pocket and not get the insurers involved, but this may not be the right way to go for a number of reasons.

While it’s customary and even contractually required by most insurance companies, many people choose not to report minor accidents to their insurers for fear of such claims raising their premiums. Those involved in single-car accidents are most likely to simply put up with minor damage rather than file a claim, while two interested parties may agree to grin and bear it if there’s only very light damage and no injuries.

How reporting an accident affects your premiums depends on your level of fault. Those not at fault won’t see any increases in their rates, but at-fault drivers may see steep premium increases for years. It’s no wonder that many people try to forgo claims for minor or nonexistent damage. However, not reporting the incident to your insurer could land you in hot water.

For starters, the police may transmit a copy of the accident report to your insurer, which could cause steep premium increases or cancellation for failure to report. Not notifying your insurer could also put you at risk of a small claims lawsuit later on, especially if the other party develops injuries related to the accident.

No matter how minor the accident, it’s a good idea to report it to your insurance company. Get in touch with us and speak to an independent agent for expert help when it comes to the claims process and how it may affect your future car insurance rates.

What is collision and comprehensive on an auto insurance policy?

When you visit your independent agent in Hope Hills, NC to purchase auto insurance, you have several different types of coverage that you can buy. If you are only required to carry the minimum amount of coverage mandated by North Carolina law, you may want to buy a policy with coverage for bodily injury and property damage that you are liable for causing to another driver or their property.

Liability coverage does not cover property damage to your vehicle. If you want, or are required to carry coverage on your vehicle, you will need to buy an auto insurance policy that includes both collision and comprehensive coverage. If you get into an accident, or if your car is stolen, these two types of coverage will allow you to file a damage with your auto insurance company for your loss.

Collision coverage is just like it sounds. If you get into an accident with another vehicle or hit a stationary object like a pole or a brick wall, this coverage will pay to have your car repaired. Anything other types of incidents such as theft, vandalism, or a hail storm ruining your paint job, is covered by the comprehensive portion of your policy.

It is important to note that the added coverage will add to your annual insurance premium. You will pay more if you have an expensive car rather than one that is worth less. This coverage comes with a deductible, or the amount you are responsible for paying before the insurance company will pay on a claim. You can lower your overall premium by choosing a high deductible, but that will mean you assume more financial risk should you suffer a loss.

You usually need this type of added protection if you finance a vehicle or you have a fairly new vehicle that is still worth a substantial sum of money. Even if you are not required to carry such coverage, it may still be prudent to spend a little more and add it to your auto insurance policy.

If a minor child who does not have a driver’s license is involved in a fatal accident, while driving a friend’s car, can their parents’ insurance company be sued?

It is always tragic when a minor child is involved in a fatal accident. When that child does not have a driver’s license and is driving a car in Hope Hills, NC, it can be more difficult for grieving parents to understand. Depending on the reasons for the accident, parents may or may not be able to take the owner of the vehicle to court for wrongful death.

Cause of the Accident

In general, the cause of the accident will play a role in the legal actions that a parent can take. For example, if the teen was driving because another individual was sick or injured, then the situation may provide a good reason for that minor to be behind the wheel. On the other hand, taking a car out for fun may be nothing more than a foolish gamble.

Children with a Permit

Any time that a minor with a permit is driving, an adult should be in the front seat. If parents have given permission for their teen to drive a friend’s car while they are learning to drive, then they may not be able to make a claim for wrongful death.

Ultimately, a fatal accident is a tragedy that does not have any legal solution. Parents may not be able to make a claim of wrongful death or other charges if the teen was driving with their permission or in an emergency situation.

It is difficult to discover that a loved one has died in an accident, but it is more challenging when the individual involved was young and should not have been driving. Contact us to talk to an agent for more information about making a claim on an insurance policy.

If I’m a co-signer on a car loan for my son do I have to be listed on the insurance policy?

A friend, family member, or your child wants to finance their first car. The only problem they’re having is an inability to qualify for a loan without a co-signer. Your credit score is more than sufficient to help them out with their problem, but you’re wondering whether you need to be on your son’s auto insurance policy when you co-sign for the car.

The main factor in whether or not you should be listed on insurance or not is whether you are considered a co-signer or a co-borrower. A co-signer is simply responsible for financial matters related to the loan. If your son fails to meet his payment obligations on the auto loan, then your co-singing makes you financially responsible for the loan. It affects both your credit and your son’s.

Some financing companies require you to be listed as a co-borrower and co-owner on the loan. When you are a co-owner, you are placed on the car’s title. Because you are listed on the car’s title, you may be held legally responsible in the event of an accident. The way to cover your liability in the event of an accident is to get listed as an additional driver on your son’s car insurance.

Another factor to consider when co-signing on a loan is whether you are prepared to take financial responsibility if your son can’t meet his payment obligations. If this occurs, you either have to make the payments yourself, or receive a negative mark on your credit report. This has a long term impact on your own ability to get financing.

Does my Premium Increase if my car’s windshield is damaged in Hope Mills, NC?

Auto insurance increases in a variety of different situations, but the rate may or may not increase if a windshield is broken in Hope Mills, NC, depending on the reason that it was damaged and the specific details of your policy.

The Situation

Damaged windshields from an accident, attempted theft or vandalism that is covered under your policy may result in a slightly higher premium after you make a claim. Depending on the amount of damage beyond the windshield, the specific impact on your premium may vary.

Although certain situations may increase your rate, it is possible that it will not have a dramatic impact on your current payments. For example, if a hail storm causes the windshield to break or scratch, then it might not impact your coverage or your premium. The situation and your specific policy will determine if your rate will be impacted by the damages.

Policies and Variations

Every insurer has a different policy and method of determining if a situation will result in an increased rate on your current policy. Depending on the details that are described in your policy, you may or may not see an impact on your auto insurance rate.

Review your current policy to determine if you are protected and how it may impact your current rate. Some insurers offer accident forgiveness or similar forgiveness programs so that your premium will not increase if it is the first time you are making a claim.

Auto insurance can seem complicated when an accident occurs, but in many cases the impact on your current insurance rate is limited. Depending on your policy, it may not have any impact if you make a claim to replace your windshield. Contact us to talk to an independent agent to learn more about premiums and insurance rates.

What endorsements are available for/with commercial insurance policy in Hope Mills, NC?

There are different types of endorsements available for commercial insurance policies in Hope Mills, NC. Depending on the type of business, you may need an automobile endorsement and if you run your business from your home, you may be able to purchase an endorsement with your homeowners policy to cover extra business costs.

Most business carry BOP or Business Owner Policy coverage on for commercial insurance. This plan covers property, lost production time, and basic liability. This policy does not cover vehicles used for business purposes. You will want to speak with an independent agent at Cross Creek to find an endorsement to add to your BOP plan that will protect your vehicles. You will also want to compare quotes and rates to find a plan that will fit your needs and your budget.

BOP insurance plans also do not cover professional liability. You need to purchase an endorsement that will protect your interests in the event you are sued. Business owners are expected to be proficient in their business, and they can be sued for negligence. A professional liability endorsement will take care of this type of protection. You may also want to speak with an independent agent if you work from home. Sometimes the most economical insurance choice is to add an endorsement to your homeowners policy.

If you are looking for options when purchasing commercial insurance in Hope Mills, NC, you need to speak with us about the endorsements available to make sure you have all of the coverage you need. Your business is important and protecting your investment is essential. Contact your independent agent at Cross Creek today.

What Factors Determine Commercial Trailer Insurance Rates and what Discounts are Applicable in Raeford, NC?

There are several factors that determine commercial trailer insurance rates and there are also discounts available in Raeford, NC. One of the main factors is the make a model of the trailer and the annual mileage. Other factors include what types of cargo the trailer carries, the destination, and the drivers of the vehicle. You will need to take all of these factors into account when determining how much you can afford to pay for commercial insurance on your trailer. You will also want to speak with an independent agent at Cross Creek about available discounts.

The older the trailer, the less expensive the insurance coverage. Just like with a car, you will pay more for insurance if you own a newer vehicle. Also, if your trailer hauls hazardous or dangerous materials, you will pay more for commercial insurance. When hiring employees to drive your trailers to their destination, you need to look at their personal driving record and make sure they have not had several accidents or tickets. All of these factors will increase the price you pay for insurance. At Cross Creek we can easily help you compare quotes to find a commercial insurance rate that will fit your budget.

You will also be able to find discounts on insurance if you hire drivers over the age of 25 who also carry a CDL license. These are trained professionals and insurance companies are more likely to give you a discount. Speaking with an independent agent in Raeford, NC about your commercial insurance options will help you determine the type of coverage you need and the discounts you can receive. Call and speak to one of our agents today.

Can I suspend my auto insurance coverage during winter in Hope Mills, NC?

If you own your cars and have a lot of money wrapped up in them, you may want to take care to avoid damanging them unnecessarily. There are some owners that only want to drive in the summer so they do not risk damaging their automobile during the cold months. If you live in the Hope Mills, NC area and this sounds appealing to you then here are some things that you will want to know:

  • If you do not drive your car throughout the entire year, then there is a good chance you are paying for benefits that you do not need. You can suspend your liability coverage on your policy while your car is in storage.
  • To take advantage of this option you will want to contact your company and request that the liability be suspended. You will need to provide them with proof that the car is in storage for the winter to avoid paying for the coverage limits.
  • If you need to add coverage limits to your policy, then all you have to do is call your agent and ask for the benefits to be added to the policy
  • Any time that you need to hold back on a certain benefit, then all you need to do is ask for a suspension of benefits until you need the coverage reactivated.

There are things about your auto insurance that most people do not know about. An Independent agent can help answer any questions that you may have about your policy. As your agent, we can help you understand your policy so you can make it work for you.

What Should I do if my Home Insurance Records are Lost Due to a Fire Accident in Hope Mills,NC?

When a homeowner in Hope Mills, NC has a major loss from a fire there is always a question of, "what to do next." A fire can cause a lot of damage and unlike other sources of damage it destroys everything. If you have had a fire and ended up losing your home insurance records, then here are some things that you can do in order to get the records back.

How to Reclaim Your Home Insurance Records

  • You will want to contact your insurance company to file a claim. The company that you insure with will begin the process of getting the home repaired. They will need certain pieces of information from you before the process can be completed.
  • While on the phone with the insurance company explain to the them that the home documents were destroyed in the fire. They will send out a new copy of the home insurance policy to you.
  • Once you have received the policy go ahead and put it in another safe place. It might not be a bad idea to have a copy at your office in case there is another need to file a claim.

An accident can happen at any time. A fire can start and it can consume everything in its path. If you have concerns about your home insurance policy, then you will want to contact your independent agent today. As your agent we will can help get you the documents that you may have lost in the fire or through some other means. If you have questions about the process of getting your documents back, then we can help answer those questions and put your mind at ease when it comes to your home insurance.

Is there a life time auto insurance policy available in Hope Mills, NC?

There are no auto insurance policies in Hope Mills, NC that guarantee auto insurance for a life time. There are many factors that must be considered each time an auto policy is renewed. Drivers who are careful and do not have tickets or accidents will be able to keep their policy for a long time. In contrast drivers who have several accidents or have several tickets could have their policy canceled at any time.

At Cross Creek we can help drivers in Hope Mills, NC find an auto insurance policy that will meet all of their needs. Depending on your driving record, you may be eligible for discounts and you will want to shop around for the best deal on car insurance. Even if you have a perfect driving record, you cannot purchase a policy that is guaranteed for a lifetime. But you may be able to find a policy that will provide you all of the coverage you need for your vehicle. As long as you pay your premiums on time and do not make a lot of claims on the car insurance plan, you may be able to stay with company for a long time.

Anytime you are purchasing auto insurance, you need to consider the price of the policy for the amount of coverage. A knowledgeable independent agent can help you find a plan that will take care of your vehicle, personal property, and liability. It is easier to compare quotes when you speak with an agent who can look at several different companies and find the plan that meets your unique needs. Call Cross Creek today to speak your independent agent.