Commercial Insurance Company in Cornelius, NC

A small business owner wears many hats, especially as your business starts to grow. It can be hard to make sure that all of your administrative paperwork is handled, especially when it keeps piling up into a monstrous pile. One part of the admin paperwork you do want to address as quickly as possible is the insurance your business needs in order to protect its financial interests.

You have a lot of ways that you open yourself up for liability as a business, so it’s important to identify those risks and understand the type of insurance you need to mitigate them. One aspect of business that most people think of when it comes to insurance is worker’s compensation insurance. Most states require this insurance in place when you have a business that has employees, and the penalties for failing to hold this insurance while having employees is enough to make most businesses get right on that.

Workers compensation insurance works by covering the lost wages, medical bills, and other associated expenses for a worker who gets injured on in your workplace. If you had to pay all of that out of pocket, it’s likely that you would end up paying a significant fee. Instead of taking the hit to your cash flow, the insurance covers the claim.

Another liability area for a business is in your products. Do you know what happens if someone gets hurt or dies using your products, even if they weren’t using them properly? The inevitable lawsuit. Product liability insurance handles claims of this nature, and general commercial liability covers it to a point as well.

Talk to us, a trusted Cornelius, NC insurance company, to find out what commercial insurance options keep your business going strong. We have a free online quote system to deliver commercial insurance information right to you.

What Homeowners Insurance Options Are Available in NC?

As a resident of North Carolina, your homeowners insurance options are quite wide because you have the option of selecting any amount of coverage, and virtually any type of coverage, that you want and need. Every home is different, so the options that you want might be different from your neighbor’s choices. However, most homeowners in the state generally select options like these.

Insurance for the House: The home should be protected from all types of loss, and this is the insurance type that does that. You will be able to choose a policy max based upon how much you feel you would need to rebuild if disaster struck and you lost everything.

Other Building Coverage: If you have other structures on your property, those should also be covered by insurance. Some homeowners policies automatically include this coverage along with the house insurance, but always check with your agent as a policy addition may be needed to cover extra buildings. This would apply to greenhouses, tool sheds, and any other freestanding buildings on the property.

Contents Coverage: The contents of your home are significantly valuable to you and your family, whether the monetary value is high or not. If you want to be sure to have enough money to replace these home contents in a disaster, be sure to get this type of coverage. You can choose the amount of coverage you’re most comfortable with, but make sure that you estimate the current replacement cost of everything in the home to get a good figure for the policy.

Liability Insurance: Every homeowner should protect themselves from legal actions that could arise due to injuries that may happen on their property. If your friend, or in fact any property visitor, were to get hurt while anywhere on your property you could be held financially responsible for all their damages. This is one of the most important homeowners insurance options since judgments against you for injury could be so financially devastating, and this coverage prevents you from suffering those losses.

Don’t get caught without enough homeowners coverage. You can very easily compare policies on the Internet with Cross Creek Insurance Agency in minutes. Use our free quote comparison tool to get policy info from multiple major carriers, all in one convenient spot!

Cross Creek Insurance Agents ready for help 24*7 in Hope Mills, NC

Insurance is in place to protect you from having to pay out of pocket when unexpected situations arise that would otherwise cost you a significant amount of money. When you sign up for an insurance policy, such as one protecting your house, you set up coverage against a number of specific situations. Common insurance coverage for homeowners insurance includes protection against natural disasters, flooding, fire, theft, and accidents on the property.

When one of these situations occurs, you have to file a claim with the insurance company. Depending on the type of claim it is, you may need to take photographic evidence of the damage and document it. An insurance claims adjustor comes to look at the damage to your car or house. We send them out to make sure that the damage estimates are accurate, so that the claim is processed as quickly as possible.

The longer it takes for a claim to get processed, the longer you have to take before you get to return to the normalcy of your life. You don’t want to have to go without a car or to have to deal with house repairs for any longer than you need to.

Another important aspect of insurance is to go with a company that understands claims may occur at any time of day or night. We always have someone available in the office to talk to you after an accident or problem occurs. 24/7 availability for our agents is an important part of the service that we offer you. Our insurance agents in Hope Mills, NC are always happy to help.

What is The Penalty for not Having Auto Insurance in Lexington, NC ?

All drivers in Lexington, NC are required to maintain the state’s minimum levels of coverage for bodily injury, property damage and uninsured motorists. Anyone who has a lapse in coverage, and therefore does not meet the state’s minimum standards for a period of time, is subject to a penalty. The penalty is determined by how many lapses there have been in the previous three years and the duration of the current lapse.

What Happens When You Have a Lapse in Coverage

When you have a lapse in coverage, your auto insurance provider is required to notify the department of motor vehicles (DMV) in North Carolina. The DMV will then send you Form FS 5-7, which you must complete and return within 10 days. When submitting this form, you will need to provide proof that you have a current insurance policy and pay the appropriate fine.

The Fines and Fees

In North Carolina, the fines assessed are primarily determined by the number of previous lapses you have had in recent years. In any given three-year window, the first fine is $50. After your first lapse, the fines increase to $100 and then $150 for the second and third offense. Failure to submit this payment within 10 days results in increased fines.

Should you fail to return Form FS 5-7 with the appropriate documentation and payment within 30 days, the DMV will revoke your license plates. When you apply for new ones, you will have to pay the original fine, any late fees, a $50 service fee and the fee for new license plates.

Find Insurance Immediately

The first step to recovering from a lapse in insurance coverage is to immediately find new insurance. You can use our online tool to shop around and find a new policy today. If you need help with the DMV’s paperwork, call our agents for assistance.

Compare Cheap Car Insurance Quotes in Huntersville, NC

A car is a necessity in many parts of North Carolina, especially Huntersville, NC. You don’t have a lot in the way of public transportation, so you need rock solid insurance that isn’t going to let you down when you need it most. One of the most important features to look at with car insurance is to confirm that the monthly premium is at a rate you can afford consistently on a long term basis.

There are a few ways to get cheaper car insurance. One of the first ways is to look at comparative quotes from several insurance providers. While you can get this information on your own by contacting each carrier individually, but you won’t get the best deal. Instead, contact our independent agents so we can get in touch with the carrier for you. We have worked with the major carriers before, and they know that we talk with multiple companies before we write an insurance policy. Therefore, we get more competitive quotes than an individual talking to each company.

You can also adjust the level of coverage you get to the minimum instead of holding as much coverage as possible. Liability is the required insurance level in North Carolina, and if you cut out collision and comprehensive coverage you cut down the amount you pay monthly. However, this does mean that if you are in an at fault accident, that you aren’t going to have financial coverage for your repairs.

Deductible adjustment is another way to cut down the amount that you pay for insurance. The higher you set your deductible, the less you pay per month. Talk to our independent insurance agents in Huntersville, NC to get your free online insurance quotes.

Does Smoking Cigars Affect Life Insurance Rates in Hope Mills, NC?

Tobacco may no longer be as important to the North Carolina economy as it once was, but plenty of people still smoke cigarettes or like to enjoy a good cigar. Cigars, like cigarettes and chewing tobacco, have been scientifically proven to be bad for your health. You can still purchase a life insurance policy if you smoke, but your rates will almost certainly be higher than if you did not smoke.

It is often the case that you will need to undergo a physical exam before you can buy a policy that insures your life. The exam can be as simple as a nurse coming out to your house to check your weight, blood pressure and other vital signs. You might also be sent to a facility to have blood drawn and to give a urine sample. The insurance company wants more than your word to determine your general health before they approve your application for a policy.

Insurance companies want to know as much about you as they can before they insure your life. They want to know if you engage in risky behavior like sky-diving or swimming with the sharks. They want to know if you smoke cigars because that can lead to cancer, emphysema, or other life-shortening diseases. Whether you are buying a term-life or whole-life policy, insurance companies make money the longer the insured lives.

If you are young and in excellent physical condition, smoking an occasional cigar will probably not raise your life insurance rates. When the results of your urine test are received by the insurance company, they will see how much nicotine you have in your system. If you only smoke cigars for special occasions like the birth of a baby, you probably will be below the tolerance set for nicotine.

While smoking a cigar is still legal and your own personal choice, if you want to keep your life insurance rates down, you may also need to put down your cigar. Contact us today to learn more about what might affect your life insurance rates.

Get Raeford, NC Car Insurance from Cross Creek

If, by any chance, you are not old enough to have experienced this yourself, ask your parents to tell you about what it took to buy an insurance policy a decade ago. If you were new to town you would frequently find yourself calling agency after agency, looking for coverage and a price that would fit your needs. If you were lucky enough to have a strong relationship with an insurance agent, you would sit in his office or he would come to your home, review your options (which were somewhat limited) and before the meeting ended you would commit yourself to a policy that may, or may not, be right for your family.

Boy, how times have changed. People buying home and auto insurance in Raeford, NC these days have it relatively easy. You can simply go on our website, answer a few simple questions, and receive a number of comparable quotes, each designed to give you options.

No one wants to need insurance, but we all do. We can’t go through life unprotected, given the number of things that can go south. A storm blowing through can take the shingles off the roof of your house or blow a tree over on your garage. A simple fender bender can cost thousands to repair, far more than you might guess by simply inspecting the damage.

We’re here to make sure that you are never alone when trouble finds you. Although our home and auto quotes are online, we are still only a phone call away when you have questions or a problem arises. We can also help you find the best coverage for your RV, motorcycle or boat. In other words, we help protect any material items that are of value to you.

For more information, give us a call.

Fort Bragg, NC Auto Insurance Online

It is the simple things life that seem to bring the most joy. Sure, those things frequently involve the people you care about, but on occasion joy can be found in something as simple as saving time. Our agency knows how busy you are, how little time you have to shop for homeowner and auto insurance. We have found a way to make it easier by offering online quotes.

We want you to know that we’re proud of this for a couple of reasons. Not do online quotes value your time, but they also make it possible for you to study different policies from home, at your own convenience. You have time to look at several options and figure out which one offers the coverage you need at a price you can afford.

When it comes time to buy NC auto insurance in Fort Bragg, you will see that you have a variety of options. If you are of a certain age you likely remember sitting down with an insurance agent and being told which policy you needed and how much you were going to pay. There was no opportunity to compare several policies side-by-side and make an informed decision on your own.

As an agency, we still take pride in providing you with professional service and an agent you can call if an incident should occur. We’re also here to personally answer any questions you might have. Online quotes simply allow us to offer you another way to determine the coverage that is best for you and your family.

And it’s not just auto and home insurance we offer. If you are looking for renter’s insurance, or coverage for your motorcycle, boat or RV, give us a call. We’ll help you sort through the options and to find a policy that is perfect for your needs.

Eastover, NC Home Insurance Options

After buying a home in Eastover, NC home insurance is a necessary part of protecting your property. In many cases, your mortgage lender will require that you purchase some coverage for the house, but the exact requirements that your lender sets and the options that are available can vary.

Standard Plans

The basic policy for a house will usually cover against common problems that may arise. It will pay for damages to the interior or the exterior of the house. In most cases, you can also replace personal belongings and even make a claim for the hotel expenses when you cannot stay in your house due to the damages.

Although you can purchase additional coverage for specific needs, the basic policy is usually enough to handle most of your concerns. You should be careful to read the plan before determining that it is appropriate, since policies can vary and the best option can depend on your concerns.

Replacement of Personal Belongings

Using the value of your house as a basic detail, you can usually claim a percentage of that value or the total policy amount to replace personal belongings that are lost in a covered situation.

Depending on the plan, the amount that you can expect will vary. An actual cash value plan will usually only pay for the item after calculating the depreciation rates, so the amount that you are provided is usually less than the cost of replacing the item. Replacement value plans will pay for the total cost of replacing a particular item.

There are options available to protect your house from common risks, but most homes will need a standard plan to protect against potential concerns. To learn more about protecting your property and assets, contact us to talk to an agent today.

Compare Insurance Quotes Online

It’s a great time to be alive, especially when it comes to dealing with day to day errands that used to take up a huge amount of hours during the week. Driving back and forth from the grocery store, utility offices, and insurance offices took a lot of work and time back in the day.

Today, you live in a digital age where there’s no reason to be stuck in traffic or sitting on hold at all hours of the day. You have your own life that you have to go live, and getting stuck trying to figure out where North Carolina insurance agents are is no fun. Instead of dealing with that hassle, it’s time to look at the benefits of comparing insurance quotes online.

You don’t deal with high pressure insurance salesmen or a solicitor when you want to know how much insurance is going to cost you. Instead, you look into an online quote engine that allows you to compare quotes from multiple insurance companies. That’s one of the best benefits of going through an independent agent, since they know how to find you the best deal or the most options, instead of sticking you with a single point of contact that may not be the best for you.

These agents have processed plenty of applications, so they have seen similar situations and know the perfect companies for you. This is especially useful if you have a particularly complicated insurance situation and no single player option is going to truly help you out.

Find out the insurance options available to you in Eastover, North Carolina by getting in touch with North Carolina insurance agents and getting your insurance quote comparison online.