Fayetteville Hommeowners Insurance Personal Injury Claim

A claim against your Fayetteville homeowners insurance can arise in any number of ways. The cable guy can fall off a ladder, the pizza delivery kid can trip on an uneven sidewalk, or Aunt Esther can trip over her own shadow. If you don’t have sufficient coverage, a $300,000 jury verdict can come back against you while you’re only insured for $100,000. That leaves you personally on the hook for the $200,000 balance.

As independent insurance agents, we want you, your home, family and personal property to be protected with plenty of coverage. If you’re concerned about a particularly large personal injury claim arising sometime in the future, we can arrange for umbrella liability coverage. Should you have particularly valuable personal property inside your house, like artwork, jewelry or musical instruments, we can set you up with specific special endorsements for coverage over and above ordinary policy limits for those items too.

We’re trusted and respected members of the Fayetteville area community, and because we’re independent agents, we’re able to provide you with a variety of choices as to insurers, coverage and premiums. Agents for the mega insurers just can’t do that. They’re not permitted to. The information we give you on your insurance issues is balanced, objective and unbiased. We’re not giving you one choice from one giant insurer. You can choose who insures you, what coverage you’ll have and your premium amount from any number of reputable and long established homeowners insurers that we work with.

Whether you’re in the process of buying your first home in or around NC Zip Code 28301, or trying to save some money window shopping, don’t hesitate to give us a call. We’re pleased to answer any questions that you have.

Ask an Insurance Agent: Does my Auto Insurance Cover All Damage After an Accident?

Living in the great Dunn, NC area gives residents here plenty to be grateful for. But accidents can happen in the blink of an eye on the road. Whether you love near Heritage Bible College or out near Plainview, disaster can pay a visit to even the safest driver. As your local independent agent, we want to help make the roads a safer place for all.

Are You Protected in the Event of an Accident?

When looking for auto insurance coverage many people tend to shop with a budget in mind. Often times this can leave them without a level of coverage that they feel comfortable with.

Because insurance laws vary from state to state, many residents also choose to follow the state minimums requirements without bothering to look at additional coverage options. If you are unable to name the coverage options for your current policy and what type of damage it covers, it may be time to look at an upgrade.

At Cross Creek Insurance, we can connect you with top national carriers to help you find a policy that gives you comprehensive coverage at an affordable price. And because we service the greater Dunn area, you can get a policy breakdown from your insurance agent at any time.

Go With a Local NC Insurance Agent and Save

No one wants to pay for vehicle damage out of pocket after an accident. With the right auto insurance policy you can ensure that you don’t have to worry about issues like that in the event of an accident.

Visit Cross Creek Insurance online to shop and compare quotes online in just minutes. Affordable and complete insurance coverage is just a few mouse clicks away.

3 Tips For Getting Car Insurance Quotes

Lumberton, NC is a small city of approximately 20,000 people. There’s the Lumber River that provides a lot of recreation as well as golf courses, batting cages, and more. Southern hospitality reigns supreme in this area and people from all over the country come to visit as a way of seeing the parks and other attractions.

When you want to get car insurance cheap, it pays to get quotes. However, there are some tips to follow to ensure you get the best possible quotes.

1. Work with agencies

When you work with insurance agencies, you get the help from independent agents. We will search for the cheap quotes in Lumberton for you so there’s no need to contact all of the insurance companies individually.

2. Look at the discounts

The insurance discounts can come in all shapes and sizes. This includes veteran status, homeowner and marital status as well as various organization affiliations. When you work with agencies, one of the perks is that they know all about the discounts and will ask question in order to maximize your savings.

3. Make apples-to-apples comparisons

You will want to decide on the coverage you want before actually receiving the quotes. As you start to get the car insurance quotes, make sure you are making comparisons equally on the level of coverage. You can always choose to add more coverage once you see what the quotes are coming in at, but they need to include the same levels of liability, collision, comprehensive, and other coverage options.

Take the time to contact our independent agents today so we can help you get the cheapest possible quote on car insurance in NC without sacrificing coverage. We can answer concerns you have and place several options in front of you.

Tips for Knowing How Much Life Insurance You Need

When it comes to purchasing life insurance, many people get more than a little confused on how much coverage they need. Truth is, though, it's fairly simple and straightforward to calculate how much is needed.

If a person doesn't have anyone who is dependent upon him — spouse, children, grandchildren, etc. — then there's really no need to purchase a life insurance policy. If however, there are dependents, then a policy that equals about 10x as much as the policyholder's annual income should be obtained. Take for instance that the person makes $60,000 a year. A life insurance policy in the amount of $600,000 should be sufficient.

Then again, if a retirement fund or savings account has been paid into, then such a high life insurance policy may not be needed. It all comes down to what a person wants to leave behind to their beneficiaries. But the important thing to note is that life insurance funds are not meant to make a family rich once the policyholder becomes deceased. The funds are supposed to be used so that the family can maintain the same standard of living as it was when the policyholder was alive.

By speaking with our insurance agents in Hope Mills, NC, you can easily identify how much of a life insurance policy that you need. Our agents in the 28348 area will know how to best assess your life situation, which will go a long way in helping you create a life insurance policy that best accommodates you and your family's needs as well as fits within your budget. Do keep in mind there are several types of policies to choose from, with the cheapest usually being term life coverage plans.

Could Your Business in North Carolina Survive a Shutdown?

Whether it’s due to a bedbug infestation at your downtown hotel, roaches in the kitchen at your local cafe or mold in the walls at your office space, would your business in North Carolina be able to survive during the time it was shutdown? Would your company still be able to come out on top and perform like it did before the shutdown?

Costly Consequences of Shutdowns

In a situation like this, you have to think about everything. This includes how much revenue was lost, how much it cost to remedy the situation and whether or not you’ll be paying your employees while the company is shut.

It Won’t Ever Happen To Me.

Sure, you probably think that this will never happen to you, but that’s exactly when it does. In some cases, it may not have anything to do with a health code violation. In fact, your office could get vandalized and need to be shut down until repairs can be made. This temporary shutdown will cost your business a significant amount of money. Will you and your business be able to survive?

Protect Yourself. Protect Your Company.

If the healthier department shut down your business due to a violation, would you be okay? If you aren’t sure, then it’s time to speak to one of out independent agents. We can help you get the commercial insurance coverage that you need to ensure your business stays afloat even when times get tough. It is when you don’t have business insurance when you can’t survive a shutdown. Give us a call today so that our commercial insurance agents can help save your business in North Carolina.

commercial insuranceagents

Small Town, Big Dreams Hope Mills NC

Some of the best foundations begin in a small town like Hope Mills, NC 28348. Taking risks, building a business or home takes gumption. A laid back atmosphere small town pleasures and ways are what residents love. If hunting or fishing is your way of relaxation then Hope Mills has it. After a long day of chasing the wildlife then the town has many one of a kind of restaurants to enjoy. Fred Chason’s Grandsons Buffet gives an awesome amount of southern style foods cooked like grandmas do it. The Wine Café has innovative wine fountains, an engaging atmosphere, and many brands and flavors of the juice of the grape. Mi Casita Mexican Restaurant serves plenty of chips and Mexican styled main dishes. Residents like the seating and the amount of food. Beef O’Brady is local hang out where all are welcome. Basically a sports bar it is the local watering hole.

Speaking of local watering hole I your local agent have talked to residents and found them quite satisfied with Hope Mills living. Our annual checks on homeowners insurance makes sure all is taken care of. With the active lifestyle a few bumps and bruises are bound to happen. To make sure your policy offers adequate coverage check your personal injury claim. Someone falling on your property is covered medically and if someone tries to sue you are covered for that as well. Consider combining different policies such as home and auto. Often a discount applies. Better yet get an umbrella policy which provides enough coverage for most incidents including libel and slander.

Whatever your decision come down to my office for a chat. Bring some quotes and we will find the best options for you.

Have a Sinkng Feeling Check Your Foundation

Mountains, rolling hills and 300 miles of beaches makes North Carolina an intriguing state to live in or visit. Some favorite attractions are the BlueRidge Parkway that winds for 432 miles from the Great Smokey Mountains to National Park to North Carolina Shenandoah National Park. Kure Beach Sea Turtle Patrol teaches ways to protect the endangered sea turtles. Blowing Rock Winterfest which has ice carving contests, food, WinterPaws dog show, and other winter themed events shows the festive side of winter. Across the state plenty scenic beauty and events exist to please most anyone in your family or friends.

Because of the geologic formations below the soil sometimes an instability happens. If you have ever been on a porch and had a sinking feeling before dismissing it go check your foundation. Whether buying a house or updating a policy, standard policies cover sinkhole coverage to a point. Coverage depends on how the sinkhole happened. Earthquakes take an additional endorsement for covering their damage on a home. As your local area agent I know my territory and can tell you where sinkholes are more likely to happen. Many times I even know how recently they have occurred in an area. When buying homeowners insurance it is important to cover all the bases above ground as well as below ground. Many times combining auto insurance with your homeowner policy results in a discount. Various options exist that can be added to a policy to customize it to your needs.

Before a sink hole happens stop by the office for a chat. Let’s take a look at what the possibilities are and see what is needed.




Hope Mills Takes Care of Its Residents

The beginning of Hope Mills NC 28348 is all in the name. It began as a grist, lumber, and saw mill because of the abundance of water. The town developed with a “can do” attitude and the community spirit of taking care of everyone. Located in Cumberland County, the community has two corn mazes. If your family wants to experience country living then visit Gallberry Farms. Experience corn hole, corn box, and tube slide. Cumberland Road Fun lets you explore your active side with laser tag, a set of batting cages, and miniature golf. A historic downtown lets you and yours do plenty of shopping finding items unique to the regions. If a bit of urban you desire Fayetteville NC is within the hour. Hope Mills NC gives you the best of both worlds.

Neighborhoods in Hope Mills are close knit with neighbors knowing each other. The area is friendly with strangers as well. To get out and about a car is needed. I as your local agent can help you find the best rate. Check out other agents websites and get some car insurance quotes. Then come visit me. All sorts of discounts exist on policies depending on the choices you make. Consider combining your homeowner policy with your car insurance policy. Putting the two together opens up other possibilities and may make you eligible for an umbrella policy which has special options. If you have an older home renovating with certain materials or adding environmentally recommended items also give discounts with premiums and tax breaks.

Enjoy rural life, raise your kids, and know your neighbors. Once in a while stop into my office. We can discuss the options and find the best policy for you.

3 Things Everyone Should Know about Car Insurance Rates

No matter how long you've had car insurance, there might be a few aspects related to your policy that you are unaware about. Fortunately, though, we're here to share a few secrets with you to help you understand how to get the most out of your insurance coverage.

Your Credit Score Matters

Did you know that your credit score influences how high or low your insurance rates are? That's right, and this gives you just another reason to make sure you pay back all of your debts and make all debt payments on time. Insurance companies predict your driving behaviors on your credit, so the better your score, the better your rates.

Never Stop Payment

Just because you've decided that you want to switch car insurance companies, this doesn't mean you should simply switch and leave your old agency in the dark. You should always go through the formal hoops of canceling your policy. Otherwise, the agency may report you to credit bureaus for non-payment of your premiums.

It Pays to Shop Around

Sure, you may have been with the same auto insurance company for the past 15 years, but what you don't realize is that you can likely save money by switching. There are many factors that influence insurance rates — many of which were not considered 15 years ago. You very well might find that new influencing factors could save you a considerable amount of money if you switch agencies.


Whether you just received your learners permit or you've been a licensed driver for 20 years, it's wise to speak with on of our professional North Carolina insurance agents to compare policies and see how you can save money on your insurance premiums.

Hope Hills: Don’t Fall for these Life Insurance Myths in North Carolina

When you start planning for your financial future — which should be sooner rather than later — it is imperative that you not overlook the value of investing in life insurance. This type of insurance is meant to be a financial safety net for your family in the event that you were to die. Fortunately, life insurance allows you to properly prepare for your death, whether it be expected or unexpected. To ensure you get the most out of your life insurance policy, it’s important that you not fall for these common life insurance myths. 

Whole life insurance is always better because it always pays out

Just because whole life insurance has a higher rate of paying out than term life insurance doesn’t mean it’s always better. The best way to pinpoint which type of policy is best for your needs is by speaking with an independent life insurance agent serving the Hope Hills area. This agent will likely ask you a variety of questions, and it’s the answers that you provide that will determine which policy is best for you. Remember, it’s pertinent to be honest as this will help narrow down the available options, ensuring you get the absolute best policy. 

Waiting to invest until you’re in your 30s is wise

You never know when you are going to die, and if you are younger than 30 with a family or other people who depend on you for support, then life insurance should be considered a necessity. Just because you’re still young doesn’t mean you should wait to invest in this valuable type of insurance. In fact, the sooner you invest, the lower your premiums will likely be. 

Contact Cross Creek Insurance today to learn more about investing in life insurance the smart way.