3 Ways to Improve the Exterior of Your Home

Whether you are selling your home or wanting to live in it for the rest of your life, it is imperative that you keep both its interior and exterior looking as good as possible. From washing the windows to pruning the rose bushes, taking care of your home will improve both its value as well as its looks. Here is a close look at a few tips you can follow to help improve the exterior of your home. 

Tip #1: Wash the windows regularly

When driving by your home, your eyes may not go directly to the windows, but when people are walking up your sidewalk, they will likely notice them if they haven’t been recently cleaned. Fortunately, cleaning the windows isn’t as difficult as you may have thought. If you don’t know how or don’t have the time to wash your windows, you can always turn to the services of a professional window cleaning company. Ideally, you will want the exterior of the windows to be cleaned once every three months and the interior cleaned at least once every two weeks. 

Tip #2: Take care of the landscaping

Mowing your lawn is a great way to keep the exterior of your home looking its best, but it is just as important to keep the bushes trimmed and the mulch fresh too. Taking care of the landscaping can be time-consuming, but working in it for just 20 minutes a day can go a long way. 

To learn more about improving the exterior of your home and home insurance, contact Cross Creek Insurance serving the Hope Hills, NC area. 

5 Things You Need to Know About Your Auto Insurance

Auto insurance can be difficult for even the most experienced person. This is because facts vary from state to state and person to person. Before you decide you’ve got a handle on it all, check out these 5 facts from Cross Creek Insurance in Hope Hills, NC about your insurance. 

1. Your Rates Are Personalized 

And they can be drastically different with just a few slight adjustments. This is why you’re asked so many questions before you’re finally given a quote. 

2. Liability Is Not for Most People 

Most people can’t afford to buy another car if they happen to be involved in an accident, so even though it’s cheaper, it may make less sense in the long-term. 

3. Insurance Gets Messy 

Different companies may see the same events very differently, and it can cause problems for everyone. Policies change, and state governments impose their own rules in terms of limits and placing fault on people. 

4. Your Stuff Isn’t Safe  

Even if you have theft coverage on your car, the stuff inside your car may not be covered. Meaning if you keep your expensive laptop or jewelry in there, you may want to rethink how you store your things. Also, if you have after-market customization, then that may not be covered (unless you’ve updated your policy.)

5. Large Insurance Companies May Not Be the Way to Go 

When you deal with a huge corporation, it’s easy to get lost in the mix. You will have few relationships there and few people to call besides the major number that everyone has. Cross Creek Insurance in Hope Hills, NC wants you to have the care you deserve, so call us today to talk to us about our quotes and polices. 


When is it Necessary to Update Auto Insurance?

If you haven’t reviewed your car insurance lately, it would be wise to do so. Lifestyle changes over the last year could have some effect on your policy. You don’t want to wait for an accident to happen to discover there are gaps in your coverage. Changes in your personal situation may even qualify you for insurance discounts you weren’t eligible before. If you’ve gone through any of the following changes in the last year, it’s to your advantage to update your auto insurance coverage.

Change of Employment – A new job could alter your driving patterns, increasing or reducing your risk of accidents. These changes could affect the cost of your premium. If you drive much less due to a shorter commute, you may be able to get a discount on your insurance.

New Home Purchase – If you’ve bought a new house in Hope Hills, NC, you could accrue substantial savings by bundling your auto and home policies with Cross Creek Insurance. By talking to a local agent, you can get a better idea of the benefits that bundling has to offer.

Marital Status – If you’re adding or removing a spouse from your policy due to marriage or divorce, you’ll need to update your coverage.

Add a Teen Driver to your Policy – If you’re planning to add your teen son or daughter to your insurance, you should update your policy to ensure you have adequate coverage for all drivers in your family. Young drivers increase the risk of accidents. By raising your coverage limits, you’ll have ample protection against any eventuality. On the positive side, if your teen has completed a driver’s training course, you could qualify for a discount on your auto insurance. 

For more information on how lifestyle changes can affect your auto insurance coverage, talk to a Cross Creek Insurance agent at Hope Hills, NC.  


Flash Flood Damage and Auto Insurance

With regional weather changing away dramatically from historical patterns, people are finding that problems are happening with a lot less warning and more dramatic instances. Flash flooding is a big issue, especially in areas that are valleys between slopes as well as areas that represent runoff zones for regional rivers and drainage. That can mean folks very well find themselves in serious trouble with surprises and immediate changes in water levels with little warning or advance notice. Flooding is one of those not-so-common conditions that frequently ends up in a gray area with auto coverage. On the one hand, acts of God tend to be covered if the car owner has a comprehensive plan which anticipates such situations. On the other hand, limited policies may exclude flooding or may require additional documentation that can show the owner had no chance of being able to move or protect the car first before the damage occurred.

For those who are in areas near creeks, rivers, runoffs or drainage areas, it’s a smart idea to take a close look at one’s existing car policy and see what it says about flooding in general. If there is no specific mention, it may be wise to get a reconsideration or a plan change. If you’re in the Hope Hills, NC region, Cross Creek Insurance can help decipher and make sense of the ins and outs in auto insurance policies and what’s covered with each coverage choice. There’s no reason to play a guessing game. Their expert agents can walk a consumer through each situation and how it will be handled with the appropriate coverage in place. It’s the kind of service that makes a difference in a world filled with a lot of confusing rules otherwise.

Could A Blizzard In North Carolina Cause Severe Home Damage?

If you’re new to North Carolina, you might think this great state has little problems with blizzards . You’d be wrong: snowfall of up to 41 inches have been recorded and temperatures have dropped as low as -34 degrees Fahrenheit. That’s why we at Cross Creek Insurance are offering this  advice, as blizzards can cause a variety of damage can seriously impact your home.

Damage That Can Occur

When a blizzard hits your home, wind will likely push trees and telephone poles around in your yard, potentially causing them to fall on your home. It might even blow windows out of your house. Obviously, snow is another major problem, as heavy amounts can damage your roof and windows.

However, blizzards in Hope Hills, NC often come accompanied with heavy amounts of ice that can stick to your home’s exterior and damage it or create ice dams in your gutters. Last, but not least, extremely cold temperatures may cause cracks in your home’s windows or siding.

Preparing Is Crucial

Before a winter storm hits, you need to make sure your home is prepared well in advance by performing these simple steps:

  • Shovel the snow off your roof before the storm – an average roof can support 20 pounds of snow per square foot
  • Break up ice dams in your gutter
  • Remove any dead trees from your yard and trim dead branches and limbs
  • Seal your doors and windows to keep in heat – particularly crucial if the electricity goes out
  • Wrap insulation around your pipes to keep them from bursting

Protect Your Home From Damage

While blizzards are rarely as severe as this in Hope Hills, NC, you never know when things will get more serious. That’s why home insurance is so necessary: it will help cover most, if not all, of your home repair costs after a blizzard. Please contact us at Cross Creek Insurance to learn more.

Prepare Your Car for Long-Term Storage

You’ve needed this vacation for years and you finally have the time to go enjoy yourself. Now, you just need to leave your vehicle for an extended period of time and want to make sure it is well taken care of until you get back. If you need to store it for longer than a few weeks there are a few things you should do. Cross Creek Insurance, Inc. serves Hope Hills, NC, they can provide a few tips on how to prepare your vehicle for long-term storage.

The elements can cause extreme damage to the exterior of your vehicle when left unattended. In the summer, the sun can cause paint to crack, chip, and fade. The seats, dash, and other interior parts can become discolored. In winter, the snow and salt can seep into your car and cause it to corrode. Place a car cover over your vehicle if you are going to leave it open to the elements.

Leave it Topped Off

Make sure that all of your fluids have been replaced and filled before your trip. The engine could be destroyed if you leave it with used fluids sitting around. A fluid stabilizer will keep your gas from breaking down while you are away and corrupting the gas line.

Batteries Don’t Last Forever

Remove the battery and clean the connections. Batteries that sit without being used can become corrosive and start to destroy the engine. If you have a trusted neighbor or friend, you should have them start the car and drive it around the block once a week to preserve the battery until you return home.

Animal Prevention

Small animals, such as squirrels and mice can find tiny holes in your cars’ exterior when no one is looking. To prevent creatures from building a nest in your vehicle plug the tailpipe and other obvious holes. You could also place mothballs or other pesticides in and around the vehicle to keep the animals away.

In Hope Hills, NC, Cross Creek Insurance, Inc. agents are available to help you with beginning and maintaining an auto policy for your new or used vehicle.

5 Essential Facts about Homeowner’s Insurance

Homeowner’s insurance can be a complicated topic, so here are five facts that are easily digestible and essential to know before you sign up for a policy.

1. Damage Coverage Varies by Source

Homeowner’s insurance policies carefully stipulate what types of damage are eligible for reimbursement. When signing up for a policy, be sure to examine which damage sources are covered and consider purchasing extra coverage if a likely danger – such as flooding for homes near water or in high rainfall areas like Hope Hills, NC – isn’t mentioned in the basic plan.

2. Your Home’s Neighborhood Will Impact Your Insurance Rates

The area surrounding your home already impacts the property value, and it will impact your insurance rates as well. Mention any nearby emergency services, especially a fire station, to your insurance provider.

3. Catalog and Categorize Everything

Keeping diligent records of the property within your home is the easiest way to ensure you are properly reimbursed in case of damage. If you expect that you’ll want to file a claim for an item, take dated photographs and store them with any relevant documents like titles and receipts.

4. Your Credit Score Impacts Insurance Rates

Because your homeowner’s insurance policy represents a financial agreement, you can expect most providers to perform a credit check to determine how well you will be able to pay your premiums and deductibles. 

5. You Are in Control of Your Homeowner’s Insurance Purchase

While you may feel like you’re at the mercy of whichever insurance company you stumble upon first. The truth is that you’ll have plenty of options that range from national companies to homegrown companies from Hope Hills, NC like Cross Creek Insurance. Take the time to shop around and find an insurance company that works for you.

Choosing whole or term life insurance

The basic difference between term and whole life insurance is, term insurance is life insurance for a set period of time, while whole life insurance has many other benefits like cash value at the end. That may make whole life seem like a better deal, but a lot depends on your situation and what your needs are.

Both policies provide basic life insurance, a death benefit for the person named on the policy, and that death benefit is normally tax free.  Term insurance is often recommended for younger people, or people who need coverage for a specific amount of time. Whole life is more aimed at the long term, and can be considered part of a long range financial strategy. At the end of the whole life policy there will be a cash benefit available. You may re-invest that in a new policy, or you can borrow against it in a partial surrender.

Initially the term life policy costs less, and the price stays the same for  the entire term, usually a fixed number of years. At the end of that term the policy expires. If you renew the policy it will usually be at a higher price, and it will go higher as you age. There are some policies now that allow you to convert the policy to a permanent policy that can build some cash value.

The whole life policy costs more to start with but it does not increase. Your policy could be for 10 or 20 years and will not change. However, it will expire at some point. At that time you can take the cash value or reinvest it in the policy.  There is also the possibility of cash value growing through dividends in some policies.

Come by, or call our agents at Cross Creek insurance to discuss your life insurance needs.

5 Ways to Prepare Your Home for Fall

The kids are back to school and Fall is upon us.  You may be daydreaming about where you’d love to take a vacation this winter, but first thing’s first – you need to prepare your home for Fall before the weather turns unpredictable.  Here are five ways to help you get started.  

1.  Put in Storm Doors and Windows

Hope Hills, NC can be home to some nasty weather. Fall easily slides into Winter and before you know it, you’re turning on the heat.  Don’t wait for it to get too cold before you replace all the screens with storm windows.  

2. Clean the Gutters

Once all the leaves have fallen, it’s time to clean out the gutters.  Remove all debris and check for any place the gutters may be sagging or collecting water and repair or replace these areas.

3.  Get into the Attic

The attic is an area of the house that should be cleaned, organized and inspected twice a year – every Spring and Fall. Look for any areas where heat may be escaping and give the attic a good cleaning to get ready for Fall and Winter.  

4.  Remove Outdoor Hoses

If you leave a hose attached to an outdoor faucet over the winter season, you run the risk of having trapped water freeze, which could end up bursting your pipes.  To prevent this, be sure to store away outdoor hoses until Spring.

5.  Check for Cracks

Inspect the exterior of your home along the siding, doors and windows and look for any cracks that could be letting heat out and moisture in.  Seal up all cracks with caulk.  

At Cross Creek Insurance, we are committed to serving the people of Hope Hills, NC and we will work with you to get the best homeowner’s insurance to protect your Hope Hills, NC property.  Call us today to get started.  




Do I need commercial insurance for my service-based business?

When people think of commercial insurance, they often tend to think about a policy that covers a store or restaurant.  The truth is that service-based businesses are the companies most in need of commercial insurance policies.  If any of the following conditions apply to your business, then it’s time to invest in a policy.

  1. You travel to you clients.  Even if you’re using a personal vehicle, your personal auto insurance coverage may not cover an accident if you are using the vehicle primarily for business.  A commercial auto policy would cover all of the vehicles that you use for your business.
  2. You have business-related equipment.  Computers, cameras, power, tools, and anything else you use for work should be insured against loss and damage.  Criminal acts and natural disasters are next to impossible to avoid, but they can completely destroy your equipment and your only way of making a living. Make sure you talk to your agent about the type and value of the equipment you have, as well as where it is typically stored.
  3. You need coverage against lawsuits.  Commercial umbrella policies are strongly recommended for service-based companies because of the high number of individual clients that they work with.  Umbrella insurance will help you to pay for a lawyer and deal with the other costs involved in a lawsuit.  These policies can also help your business to be protected from a variety of other legal issues.

If you’re thinking about investing in a commercial insurance policy, call the agents at Cross Creek Insurance.  They can help you to find a policy that meets your needs without breaking your budget.