Summer Cleaning Tips for Homeowners

The summertime is fast approaching and you are ready for a fresh new look in your home. Start with some quick tips that will keep your home fresh and clean throughout the summer months. You can also rely on the Hope Hills, NC agents at Cross Creek Insurance to give you information regarding home insurance.

Start with your refrigerator. It’s time to pull out all the old food and remove the shelves. Throw away any food that has spoiled or is past its expiration. Wipe down the inside of the refrigerator with mild soap and water. Avoid using harsh sprays because this can linger and damage your food and drinks.

The coffee maker should be your next stop in the kitchen. Depending on whether you have a single-cup maker or a multiple-cup coffee maker, you should run it through a cleaning cycle with vinegar and water. If there are stubborn coffee deposits, you can soak it in soap and water.

Toast is another morning favorite, but the toaster has had its challenges. When you begin to smell burning due to random crumbs at the bottom of the toaster, it is time to clean it. Some toasters have a small removable crumb tray. Wipe the rest of the appliance with a damp washcloth.

Remove all the blinds and wipe them down with a damp sponge. While the blinds are down, you should also clean the windows. If your house has ceiling fans, this is the perfect time to clean them as well as any light fixtures.

A great non-abrasive cleaner is a baking soda and water combination. You can turn it into a paste for a porcelain bathtub or tile walls.

Having your home clean for the summer can make your season go smoothly. Talk with one of the agents in Hope Hills, NC at Cross Creek Insurance to discuss your homeowner’s policy and its coverage.


Top 3 Features to Look for in Your Commercial Insurance Policy

Are you looking to secure commercial insurance for your new business? Whether you are just starting out or are a seasoned veteran who wants to review their policy for completeness, it’s time to contact Cross Creek Insurance and find out more about your options. Comprehensive commercial insurance policies are available in many different options for business owners in the greater Hope Hills, NC area. We always find it a smart idea to make sure that your coverage is correct before you need it! When looking for the policy that is right for you, you may wish to consider these 3 important features.

  1. Business interruption coverage – when your business goes offline due to a covered event you will need to continue paying bills and maintain your business. This coverage is important as it allows you to focus on getting your business back up and running without having to worry too much about cash flow.
  2. Damage protection due to all kinds of weather – the North Carolina area sees its fair share of damaging weather. Some policies may not cover your business if it is damaged by wind or water, and may require a separate policy to cover those events. 
  3. Asset protection – liability protection becomes even more important as your business and assets grow. If your current policy has coverage limits, typically $250,000 adding an umbrella policy to your commercial insurance will protect you and your family.

The team at Cross Creek Insurance is proud to serve the needs of the greater Hope Hills, NC area, especially those of our business community. Call or stop by our office today and find out more about the different commercial insurance policy options that are available to business owners in the state of NC.

What Voids a LIfe Insurance Policy?

Life insurance is something that many people have and that many people think about getting but never really take the plunge. This type of insurance policy is helpful for anyone that thinks they might need to help their family out with final expenses or that simply does not want their family to have to deal with the cost of final expenses. For those that live in the Hope Hills, NC area, the agents with Cross Creek Insurance can help you to get the policy you want and need to feel fully secure.

For those that are interested in a life insurance policy, it is just as important to note what voids a policy as it is to note that a policy covers. For those that have life insurance, stopping paying premiums can void a policy as can fraudulent claims. In other cases, if the policyholder takes their own life the policy is not going to pay out. For those that enter false information, your policy can also be voided. For some life insurance policies, a terminal illness like cancer can also void a policy. if you want to be sure that your policy is in good standing and that there are no issues, it is always best to speak with an agent to find out more.

Your policy is your security and your ability to rest easy and know that your family is going to be able to pay for your final expenses without worrying when you pass. The chances that your policy is going to be voided without your insurance company notifying you first are slim. For those in the Hope Hills, NC area, the agents with Cross Creek Insurance can help you to find the right policy for you no matter what.  

What are the consequences of driving without insurance in North Carolina?

People in Hope Hills, NC are like everyone else, wanting and needing to drive. North Carolina has some rules about how much insurance drivers are required to carry in case they are in an accident. Every driver will need to be able to prove liability coverage totaling up to $30,000 to cover any bodily injuries, such as broken bones or whiplash, with a total of $60,000 for the accident. Drivers also need at least $25,000 to cover the victim’s vehicle.

Any policy you obtain through Cross Creek Insurance will be sure to meet those minimal requirements. If you are caught driving and it is discovered that you are not carrying the minimum amount of coverage, there are serious possible repercussions. 

Civil Penalties 

Your possible penalty for driving without insurance in North Carolina depends on how many times this has happened, and punishments get progressively worse. You can even have your vehicle registration suspended if you have not verified the vehicle is insured.

The first fine is $50, with an extra  $50 fee for license reinstatement. The next penalty is $100, and the third is $150. All of these carry the extra fee for license reinstatement and a 30-day registration suspension. 

Criminal Penalties 

The state of North Carolina takes driving without insurance very seriously, and you can also receive criminal charges if you are caught driving without proof of financial responsibility. Operating a vehicle without insurance is a Class 1 Misdemeanor, meaning it is punishable by up to 120 days in jail. The Court may also issue a fine, and you could get probation.

Clearly, it is better to have a solid insurance policy from a company you can trust when driving in Hope Hills, NC. If you want to make sure you have coverage that makes you comfortable, or if you just have questions, feel free to call one of the friendly agents at Cross Creek Insurance today.

Getting Life Insurance Early

While life insurance is commonly thought of as a need for people as they get older, it is actually more beneficial to start learning about life insurance and creating policy at a young age for a number of reasons. Cross Creek Insurance is available to help assist with providing information about life insurance to you. 


The best reason to start paying for life insurance at the youngest age possible is that the cost is significantly reduced. Life insurance providers generally factor things like age and pre-existing health conditions into the cost of policies. If someone waits until they are very old or have a serious medical condition before starting to pay into policy, it is likely to be extremely expensive. To avoid these problems, you can lock in a low rate by paying into policy years or even decades before any of these concerns. 


People who are subject to high risk due to their occupations or other factors may want to always be prepared with a life insurance policy. Even for those who are still relatively young, life insurance provides protection for your family. Even if you are not married or do not have children, life insurance will make sure your funeral expenses and other debts are paid to bring peace of mind to your family members during a difficult time. 

For any additional questions or further help with getting life insurance, please contact Cross Creek Insurance serving the Hope Hills, NC area. Agents who have specific local expertise and knowledge of the regulations and laws relevant to Hope Hills, NC will create a policy that works for you and your family.   

Should Commercial Insurance Plans Cover On-Demand Services

The on-demand service industry is ever-growing and soon the leading companies will ask how commercial insurance can help to limit work-related issues. 

Technology is the Tip of the Problems

On-demand service providers can no longer argue that they’re innocent bystanders who just provide a technological platform that connects users with different services offered on the app. It’s just an unrealistic premise to think an on-demand service company would not be a liable party in an independent contractor lawsuit. Sharp on-demand service companies will have a commercial insurance policy that protects them from unscrupulous business practices from independent contractors that advertise on their website. The wording of these type of policies isn’t of the standard nature as the coverage agreement is quite extensive because of the wide range of services provided by each independent contractor. 

The 1099 Economy

The on-demand business community is often called "the 1099 economy" as this is a reference to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tax form that most workers of this industry will fill out each year. Their define as independent contractors who provide a specific service on short or long-term projects. Often, on-demand businesses will create a separate commercial policy that covers independent contractors on their payroll. But, this practice has been legally challenged as most insurance providers will require proof of coverage before independent contractors are allowed to work in any capacity for the policyholder. This stance has been softened somewhat if the company adds independent contractors as employees to their policy. 

The Risk of Insuring On-Demand Services

One of the biggest nuances in the commercial insurance industry is determining the coverage capacity for the on-demand service industry. It may come down to the distinction between independent contractors and employees. Because this definition has yet to be defined by those who run these businesses. Agents like Cross Creek Insurance in Hope Hills, NC will draft a policy that covers both groups together as one entity. Some businesses may want general liability added to their coverage, so to protect themselves from the actions of the insured. 

How To Know If Your Furniture Is Protected With Cross Creek Insurance

Homeowners insurance helps to provide financial coverage in the event of loss due to theft, disaster, or accident. There are four types of coverage provided under the standard policy, this includes; coverage for the structure of your home, coverage for additional living expenses, liability protection and, of course, coverage for personal belongings. Cross Creek Insurance which serves Hope Hills, NC provide for all four coverage. 

Your personal belongings, including furniture and clothes, are covered if they are stolen or destroyed by a hurricane, fire or any other insured disasters. Coverage for your furniture or other personal belongings is generally 50-70 percent of the insurance that you have on the structure of your house. 

Many people are often not too sure if their coverage is adequate. One of the best ways of determining the adequacy or otherwise of your home insurance, with regards to furniture and personal belonging, is to conduct a home inventory. 

Personal belongings coverage will cover for furniture that are stored off-premises; this translate to mean that your furniture is covered anywhere in the world. In some cases, some insurance companies limit the amount to ten percent of the amount of insurance you have on your possession. 

Although other items such as jewelry, art, silverware, and collectibles are equally covered, there is usually a limit on them in the event they get stolen. To insure this item to full value you must purchase a special personal property endorsement to insure the item for its officially appraised value. 

Homeowners insurance, in some situation, may also cover for your furniture when you are moving from location to another. For example, if the moving vehicle is involved in an accident while moving your properties. Whether you are moving or not, it is pertinent to know that any furniture or property covered by homeowners insurance will enjoy protection to the limits on your policy. 

Are you planning on moving and you want your furniture to be safe during transit or do you just want to protect them against unforeseen disasters such as a hurricane, wildfire, and flooding? Then, Cross Creek Insurance which serves Hope Hills, NC and its surrounding can offer you such coverage. To find out more about them you can visit the company’s website. 

What You Need to Know About Teen Drivers

Teens who are approaching the age where they are allowed to legally drive a vehicle usually get very excited. Their parents get terrified and naturally so. One of the greatest killers of young people is a fatal car accident, especially one that involves distracted driving (talking or texting on the phone while driving), and the use of drugs or alcohol.

The highest crash rates for drivers of any age are those caused by 16-year-olds. About one-third of all deaths of 13 to 19-year-olds come from auto accidents.

Most teens can be taught to drive responsibly. Many do take care when first learning how to drive. Unfortunately, many others do not and the rate for auto insurance premiums, to cover teenage drivers, reflects this greater risk.

For parents considering allowing their teen to drive, it is important to consult with your insurance agent at Cross Creek Insurance serving Hope Hills, NC and the surrounding area. Your agent can help you understand the impact on your auto insurance premiums from adding a teen driver to the policy.

Be sure to consult with your agent before you allow your teenager to drive the car. If the family has more than one vehicle, it may be a good idea to restrict the teen driver to the vehicle that is less valuable.

It is very helpful for teens to take a defensive driving course. Parents can encourage a teen to do this by attending a course themselves. We all get rusty in our driving skills and taking a refresher course in defensive driving is good for everyone. Most teens would not be comfortable taking a course along with their parents; however, taking the same course at different times gives parents and teens something of shared relevance that they can talk about together. Otherwise, a parent may find a new teen driver finding fault (and correctly doing so) with the bad habits of the parent driver.

To get an updated insurance quote, reach out to your insurance agent at Cross Creek Insurance in Hope Hills, NC if you are considering allowing your teen to drive. Having the teen as a listed driver on the vehicle’s insurance policy is critical before you allow them to drive the family car.

Do I need another life insurance policy if I have one through work already?

Advantages of Employee Insurance

If you live in Hope Hills, NC, you know you have a great community that you can count on. You probably got a life insurance policy through your employer when you were signing up for health insurance, and you probably got a great deal. Employer life insurance plans get group discounts and are often at least partly funded by the employer, as an added benefit for working there.

Another great thing about your life insurance policy through your employer is that you probably didn’t have to qualify or take a medical exam. Your employer wants to take care of you, so you can usually get the best deal through them.

So Why Buy a Private Policy?

There are good reasons you should get another policy through Cross Creek Insurance, though.  You need to carefully consider these factors because taking advantage early is important.

  1. If you lose your job, you will also lose your life insurance coverage. Even if they let you take your policy with you, it will probably be very expensive.
  2. There may be other limitations for when coverage ends. For instance, you may not be able to retire at a certain age, but the life insurance through your employer may not be available after that.
  3. Your employer might decide to cut that benefit. While it would see unfair, it may be well within their rights.
  4. The policies offered through an employer are usually very specific and limited. They typically only offer a death benefit and don’t have options for turning your policy into an asset unto itself. Your work policies might also not offer as much coverage as you need.

We at Cross Creek Insurance work to help the people of Hope Hills, NC make sure they have life insurance coverage tailored to their individual needs. The earlier you sign up for a policy, the more benefit you can get from it. If you have any questions, please call us today.

Must-Have Business Insurance Products Every Startup Needs

As an aspiring entrepreneur, the to-do list is endless when planning your Hope Hills, NC startup business. Not surprisingly, significant aspects of your new endeavor can be overlooked. Protecting your new business is crucial, so one of the most important things to consider is evaluating what types of insurance your startup might need to in order to keep you and your assets protected. 

The types of insurance you will need for your startup depend on the type of business or industry you run. Here are some of the common insurance products Cross Creek Insurance recommends you consider when evaluating which insurance policies your new company should have in place. 

General Liability Insurance 

 Professional Indemnity Insurance 

This type of insurance covers your business against claims of slander or libel, theft of intellectual property, sharing confidential information, and more, and is essential if you are working with partners. 

Automobile Insurance 

If you have a company vehicle or use your own to conduct work-related tasks, you will need both personal and commercial insurance, regardless of whether you use one vehicle or maintain a fleet.  

Worker’s Compensation 

If you have employees, you must have Worker’s Compensation. This insurance covers potential employee medical bills and time away from work if they are injured at your workplace or while on the job.  

Professional Liability Insurance 

This form of insurance covers you if you fail to provide contracted services or render them improperly.   

Do I Need All of These? 

Most startup businesses will not initially need all of these types of insurance but may grow into them. Some startups may require specialized insurance such as Data Breach or if you work from home, homeowners or renters insurance. To find out which specific types of insurance your startup needs, call the Hope Hills, NC insurance experts at Cross Creek Insurance today.