Burial Insurance vs. Life Insurance

Did you know that about half of all people in the Hope Hills, NC area and throughout the country have insufficient or no life insurance?

At Cross Creek Insurance, we believe that the more you know about life insurance, the less likely you will be caught unprepared.

One common question is, what’s the difference between life and burial insurance?

Burial Insurance

Burial insurance, an older term gaining renewed popularity, traditionally refers to a life insurance amount sufficient to cover burial expenses. These usually encompass services, the casket, embalming, a vault, a marker, and other associated costs.

Life Insurance

As time has passed, people have recognized the value of life insurance in covering more than just burial expenses. Nowadays, life insurance is utilized to pay debts, mortgages, family living expenses, and even for a child’s college expenses.

With term life insurance now so affordable, many families are increasing their coverage to ease the financial burden in case of the breadwinner’s unexpected passing.

The Essential Difference

The difference between burial insurance and life insurance may primarily be the amount of coverage and the intended use of the proceeds. If it’s a smaller amount to help cover burial or cremation expenses, it’s often dubbed burial insurance. Conversely, if it’s a larger amount to ensure a family’s quality of life should the insured pass, it’s typically referred to as life insurance.

Have Questions? Contact Us

If you’re curious about burial or life insurance or interested in its affordability, we invite you to contact us at Cross Creek Insurance, serving the Hope Hills, NC, area. We’re more than happy to assist you in securing the coverage that you and your family deserve.