3 Ways Home Insurance Improves Your Financial Future

Home insurance improves your future by saving you money in the event of unforeseen losses.  Many states have policy requirements which vary from one district to the next. You may already possess a good policy, but do you know what it actually does for you?  Cross Creek Insurance lists three ways below.

Security from Theft

One of the prime components of insuring your home comes in safeguarding your assets.  Before you select a policy take into consideration the value of the items in your home from electronics to jewelry.  Many items can be financially protected against theft up to a predetermined value.  This means that, should a burglary occur in your home, it can be mitigated by providing you with money to replace the items.

Damage caused by people

Damages to your home or property is a primary concern as well.  In events where human beings are to blame for damages, like a tractor swinging into a house wall or a car smashing into a fence, many policies will provide conditions that aid in paying for these damages or even allow you to relocate if necessary.


Most homeowners aren’t always aware of this component.  In many cases, the owner of a building can be sued for injuries sustained by persons who are on the premises at the time.  As with most policies,  the amount of protection you receive is dependent on the type of policy you select, even so, protection from liability should never be dismissed.  There are countless cases in the U.S. where homeowners were found liable for injuries even in cases of break-ins from burglars.

Purchasing a home is a big responsibility.  You don’t have to go it alone.  Call or go online to find out how you can benefit from a home insurance policy today.


3 Ways Commercial Insurance Protects You, Employees and Customers

Commercial insurance is just one more task out of many a business owner has to understand and make decisions about, and it can feel like a complicated space to navigate for many. This is a very valuable service, though, and it’s important you realize just how important before deciding on a plan. Here’s what to keep in mind before moving forward. 

1. Protecting You

Chances are, you don’t have a lot of outside support coming in to help you out with your company. If it goes under due to a major flood or extensive vandalism, then you may not have any other recourse of supporting yourself if you can’t get your business back together. 

2. Protecting Employees 

Employees not only have a right to protection under the law, but you also need to look out for their best interests. There are a lot of unexpected events that can occur during any given workday, and you need to have the right preparation plan in place to best deal with it all. 

3. Protecting Customers 

Not only may customers be hurt on your property, but commercial insurance also helps you get your company back open as soon as possible. This can forge a bond with customers when they know that you’ve taken the precautions necessary to keep everyone safe and sound. 

Cross Creek Insurance serves Hope Hills, NC and we’re here to make finding a good policy as easy as possible. Talk to us about common events that are covered, and what you may need to purchase additional protection for. We’re here so you can understand everything before you’re faced with a problem. Call us and ask for a quote, or simply talk to us about your existing and future needs.